
The Dick Dougall Educational Photography Grant is made possible largely by the contributions from BPG members.  Thank you!  

So far this grant has been awarded twice, and the recipients have each taught photography skills to youth and young people in amazing ways.

The Dick Dougall Educational Photography Grant Committee’s goal is for this yearly grant to become self-funded; and, toward that end, we are again inviting contributions for this fund this fall from our October 6th meeting through November 9th. 

This year we have a special incentive. Nick Dantona is graciously contributing up to 12 prints from five of his images as a part of this program.  The top 12 donors over $125 will be able to select one of five images from Nick who will print them after Nov. 9th.  Four of the images will be 12×18 inches and the fifth will be 10×8 inches.  These prints will be hand delivered to the recipients before Thanksgiving. If there is a tie for the twelfth print, the recipient will be based on the order in which the contributions were received.

You can make your contributions by credit card or direct payment from your checking account using Paypal to or by a check mailed to Brentwood Photography Group, PO Box 321, Brentwood, TN 37024-0321.  Any contribution will be tax deductible less the fair market value of the print you received if you are one of the lucky members to receive a print. Please check with your tax advisor about your tax position.